Fired Up!
A Musical Feast
Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 5:30pm
Tenk West Bank
Dr. T. Clifford Deveny & Astri Seidenfeld
David Reimer, Gala Chair
On May 20, we will raise our glasses to welcome back our musicians from their 6th international tour! This spring they are representing Ohio and Chicago at prestigious overseas venues, including St. Martin-in-the-Fields in London and the Heidelberg International Spring Festival. Join us for cocktails, dinner, a fabulous silent auction, exciting live auction, and a fantastic concert by your international baroque orchestra – Apollo's Fire and Jeannette Sorrell.
To purchase your table or single tickets for this event CLICK HERE
For more information about underwriting opportunities, please contact Loren Reash-Henz at 216.320.0012 x 3 or email